ORCiD <<click
- A. Poskrobko, Rozwiązania modelu opisującego rozwój podpopulacji nietoperzy – analiza przy użyciu interaktywnego arkusza programu Maple, w: Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki technicznej. Modelowanie i przetwarzanie informacji w warunkach niepewności / Drużdżel Agnieszka (red.), 2021, Białystok, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej, 61-84.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On Chaos Behaviour of Nonlinear Lasota Equation in Lebesgue Space, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 27 (2021) 371-378.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On photosynthesis process with the interaction between two types of leaves, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (2018), No. 17, 7431-7449.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Mathematical model of bats’ subpopulations development, Mathematica Applicanda, 46 (2018) No. 1, 49-57.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Asymptotic properties of the Lasota equation in various functional spaces, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1926, 020012 (2018).
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Stability problem for the age-dependent predator-prey model, Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 7 (2018) No. 1, 79-93.
- M. Filipowicz-Chomko, E. Girejko, A. Poskrobko, Criterions of ν-similarity for the two-dimensional birth-death processes, 2017 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), Miedzyzdroje, 2017, pp. 212-217, DOI: 10.1109/MMAR.2017.8046826
- M. Filipowicz-Chomko, E. Girejko, A. Poskrobko, On some properties of ν-similar one-dimensional birth-death processes, 2017 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), Miedzyzdroje, 2017, pp. 982-987, DOI: 10.1109/MMAR.2017.8046963
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Problem of stability and chaotic properties of multidimensional Lasota equation in the context of Matuszewska-Orlicz indices, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 449 (2017) No. 2, pp. 1520-1533.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Asymptotic properties of the von Foerster-Lasota equation and indices of Orlicz spaces, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 300, pp. 1-9.
- A. Poskrobko, E. Girejko, Families of v-similar birth-death processes and limiting conditional distributions, Advances in Difference Equations 2015, 2015:251, doi:10.1186/s13662-015-0588-2.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Matematyczne modele dynamiki populacji zależne od wieku, Metody matematyczne w zastosowaniach T.2, Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk (2014), 39-58.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, J. L. Zalasiński, A mathematical model of the bioenergetic processes in green plants, Mathematical Population Studies, 21 (2014), 159–165.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Stability of the age-dependent system with delayed dependence of the structure, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37 (2014), 1240–1248.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Stability and chaotic properties of multidimensional Lasota equation, Control and Cybernetics, 42 (2013) No. 2, 387-397.
- A. Poskrobko, A. L. Dawidowicz, On the Multispecies Delayed Gurtin-MacCamy Model, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, Article ID 908768, 11 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/908768.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, J. L. Zalasiński, On the age-dependent predator-prey model, Applicationes Mathematicae, 38 (2011), 453–467.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Age-dependent single-species population dynamics with delayed argument, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33 (2010), 1122–1135.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On the age-dependent population dynamics with delayed dependence of the structure, Nonlinear Analysis, 71 (2009), e2657-e2664.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On periodic and stable solutions of the Lasota equation in different phase spaces, Opuscula Mathematica, 28 (2008) No. 4, 453-461.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On chaotic and stable behaviour of the von Foerster–Lasota equation in some Orlicz spaces, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 57 (2008) No. 2, 61-69.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Age-depended population dynamics with the delayed argument, Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations vol.75, Birkhäuser, Basel (2008), 165-174.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, Asymptotic properties of von Foerster-Lasota equation in L^(p,r) (0,1), International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, 5 (2007) No. 7, 138-143.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, N. Haribash, A. Poskrobko, On the invariant measure for the quasi-linear Lasota equation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 30 (2007), 779-787.
- A. L. Dawidowicz, A. Poskrobko, On asymptotic behaviour of the dynamical systems generated by von Foerster-Lasota equations, Control and Cybernetics, 35 (2006) No. 4, 803-813.
- A. Poskrobko, Criterions of the similarity for random walks and birth-and-death processes, Probability and Mathematical Statistics 25.2 (2005), 211-221.
- A. Poskrobko, On self-adjointness problem for Jacobi operators, Fasciculi Mathematici 36 (2005), 83-90.